
วันจันทร์ที่ 24 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Links's Blogger

1.ด.ช.กฤษฎา แย้มทรัพย์
2.ด.ช.ชนนน พรพิพัฒน์พงศ์
ณฐวัฒน์ นามแสง
4.ด.ช. เทพนรินทร์ คุ้มภัย
5.ด.ช. ธีร์รัชช์ สุขสมพงษ์
พิษณุวัฒน์ มาตรศรี
7.ด.ช. ภัคพล สาระสันต์

8.ด.ช. ภู
ริณัฐ อรุณโชติ
9.ด.ช. ศักดิ์ชัย ชื่นชูลักษณ์

10.ด.ช. ศักดิ์ณรงค์ สมบัติเจริญ

11.ด.ช. สร
วิชญ์ พันธุ์เสือ
อภิวัฒน์ สุวรรณศรี
13.ด.ช. อัคร
รัชต์   พิมใจใส
14.ด.ช. อัศวิน วารีนิล

15.ด.ญ. กนกวรรณ จันทร์เพ็ญ
16.ด.ญ. กฤติกา ทองคำใส

17.ด.ญ. แก้วกานต์ จึงรักเสรีชัย

18.ด.ญ. ขวัญฤดี มงคลไพบูลย์

ชนิษฐา พลายละหาร
20.ด.ญ. ชลธิดา ทองสุข

21.ด.ญ. ชิดชนก เรืองขจร

ฌาณิการ์ นุชบูรณ์
ฑิฆัมพร นิลเขตร
ณัฐกฤตา เครือใจวัง
ณัฐกฤตา เสร็จกิจ

26.ด.ญ. ทิพานัน   วรเวชวงศ์
27.ด.ญ. ธัญมน ทัศนสุวรรณ
28.ด.ญ. นิ
มนญา ปาลพันธ์
นูรีน กิจจำนง
30.ด.ญ. เบญจ
วรรณ   ศิริรักษ์
31.ด.ญ. ปรียาภัทร เรือนรื่น

32.ด.ญ. ปา
รีณา บัวบาน
33.ด.ญ. พลอยพรรณ 
พัชร์ปรียา สุทธิประภา
35.ด.ญ. มิ่งขวัญ ศรี
วรารัตน์ เคนผาพงษ์
37.ด.ญ. วันวิสา 
http://www.07184wcg.blogspot.com/38.ด.ญ. ศศิวิมล ชำนาญดี
สโรชา สืบจากสิงห์
40.ด.ญ. สตรีรัตน์ ทิพย์ป่า
สุนันทา ชีพนุรัตน์
42.ด.ญ. สุ
ภัชญา แซ่จันทร์
43.ด.ญ. สุภัสสร เรือนวิลัย

อภิชญา   ธัญญะผล
รฐาภ์ วงษ์เวียงจันทร์
ชลธิชา พูลสวัสดิ์

Folder and Printer Sharing


The Atmosphere of My 2003 Computer Class at 4th Floor of Building1.
They were energetic and very nice schoolkids I have ever experienced.

All of us use Windows7 as the operating software, and our computers are connected together within the workgroup of the LAN (local area network). So we should gain the benefit of its sharing capability. Here we go!

       Be sure we have to specify what folder that we want to share?  

"BOOKS" is the folder of us to be shared.
Make a right clicking with the folder, the dialogue box appears. Select the "Sharing" tab and the "Advanced Sharing" button
Now the folder has never been shared yet (Not Shared)
Properties window of the folder appears and we should select to share it with others. Now we can see the maximum number of users to simultaneously enter to the folder is 20. Then we can click on the "Permission" button.
Tick the check-box, and we can change the share name or ignore it.
After clicking on the permission button, the Permissions window shows up, you can add any user e.g. "student" and you can change the permission type of the user.
We can add user/ specify his permission level.
Finally click on the "Apply" button, the folder now has been shared. 

Well, our folder has been shared.

Sample Special
This is from my computer (Its hostname is "ALPHA00".), when I click on the "Network" (at the left pane of Windows7 "Computer explorer" )  some computer hostnames appears.  Yes, I want to randomly select any hostname. If the target of mine is "KACHATUCH", yes I would make a double-click on it.

My Target Hostname is "KACHATUCH"
The shared folders of the hostname will be appeared. Then we can do a random selection and we can find any other subfolders that we can select to use.
The Shared Folders of "Kachatuch" appears, any folder could be selected.
  If any shared folder had been selected its subfolders would be revealed. 

         Click the "Start button" of Windows7 desktop, the pop-up menu appears, then select "Devices and Printers", the target printer of us will be appeared.

Select the printer
Make a right click on the printer icon, the select menu will show up, then select "Printers properties" option.  Then we can operate sharing easily.
Select : Printer Properties
Click on the "Sharing tab", and we can rename the sharing printer.

Select the Sharing Tab
Select to share

วันอังคารที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Internet Connection Problems

Sometimes the problems caused by unintentional human errors

Sometimes Internet connection problem can be our frustration. Rather than pressing F5-key and  trying to reload the website when we experience a problem, here are some ways we can troubleshoot the problem and identify the cause.
Ensure we check the physical connections before getting too involved with troubleshooting. Anyone could have accidentally kicked the router or modem’s power cable or pulled an Ethernet cable out of a socket, causing the problem.


Ping  (wikipedia.org) is a computer network administration utility used to test the reach-ability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network and to measure the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer.The name comes from active sonar terminology which sends a pulse of sound and listens for the echo to detect objects underwater.
One of the first things to try when our connection doesn’t seem to be working properly is the ping command. Open a Command Prompt window from your "Start button" using the "cmd" command  and type a command like ping google.com . 

This command sends several packets to the address you specify.
We can see that everything is working fine.
There’s 0% packet loss and the time each packet takes is fairly low.  


Modem & Router Issues

 Sometimes our modems or routers can cause the problem of Internet connection. A modem is a device that communicates with your Internet service provider (ISP), e.g. TOT, while the router shares the connection among all the computers and other networked devices in our home network. In my case (and also other students' cases ) , the modem and the router of mine is the same device, so it is called the "modem-router". Let's take a look at the modem-router. If green lights are flashing on it, that’s normal and indicates network traffic. If we see a steady, blinking orange light, that generally indicates the problem.

All Green Lights Mean Normality
If the lights indicate that either devices are experiencing a problem, try unplugging them and plugging them back in. This is just like restarting our computer. If we still experience problems, we may need to perform a factory reset on your router (to see its manual).

What is about the problem when we are in the classroom? Because the IPaddress conflict can be occurred  anytime, so any computer in the classroom102 can be kicked off easily by the gateway computer of the Media Center which we have to lean on.Our Classroom102

Yes, we cannot connect to the Net directly but always request Internet sharing with the server computer of School Media Center through the local area network.

There are variety kinds of computer in the classroom102, both old and new, big-name and no-name, useable and unusable 
Because any student can log on any computer in our classroom with the administrative account, so he has the full permissions to change/config anything about the network, then any problem can be occurred anytime.

วันอังคารที่ 11 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

My School

My school is Kanchanapisekwittayalai Suphanburi. She is in Phaikwang Subdistrict, Muangsuphanburi District of Suphanburi Province.  Her location is excellent, because her surroundings are rice paddies. So she is free from any unexpected environments and calm enough for living/studying. I love and proud of my school and feel that she is my mother. And the children of "Mother Kanchana" are so friendly.

Beautiful Fountain at the Gateway of Kanchanapisek Suphan

Three Main Buildings of Kanchanapisek Suphan

Bird-eye-view of my school (2005), where Suphanburi downtown is at the horizon.

Another Bird-eye-View (2005)

Now "Mother Kanchana of Mine" is the "World Class Standard School" , so English has been integrated to our study. 

Kanchanapisek United

We study hard and hard.

Children of Kanchana are gentle and love to learn. They have been successful.


What/How About Our Home Network is?

  have known from students of my computer classes that the Internet connection at their homes is of TOT provider. Yes, my internet service provider (ISP) is TOT too. What/how is my home network?  The modem-router is the main device of the network because it plays many roles as of the followings : -
   1) to simulate itself like a server computer

   2) to act as a hub/switch of the wired connection
   3) to be an access point sending packets of the wireless connection
   4) to play as an ADSL modem connecting Internet
   5) to be a router managing the how-to connect to other devices

Be sure, most our home network is hybrid. One is wired while another is  wireless. Although home network is not complex, but its system is so smart and its Internet connection is so clever with ADSL technology. The superstar is a "modem-router", the genius device.

The composition of any home network
(e.g. home internet connection of students)

     UTP :  Unshielded Twisted Pair cables are so common in any computer rooms  e.g. classroom102 of our school. The UTP cable is caped with a connector which is called RJ-45. The RJ-45 connector will be inserted into the LAN port of any Ethernet card/router/switch/hub. (The RJ-11 connector of the phone line is smaller than RJ-45).

 What is about ADSL? (www.wikipedia.org) : It is "Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line" technology. This is a data communications technology that enables faster data transmission over copper telephone lines than a conventional modem can provide. (Modem is a device that manages the joint communication between the phone and the computer.)

Another one I would like to refer to is "protocol". What is it? protocol is a system of digital message formats and rules for exchanging those messages in or between computing systems and in telecommunications. And in our network we use the TCP/IP (comes from "Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol). Now Thailand uses IPv4 protocol, but Thai government by Prime Minister Yingluck  Shinawatra is going to change the Internet protocol of the country with another version, IPv6 protocol, which has more capacity and efficiency of transmission.  

Because each computer of the network has its own unique "IP-address", what/how is it? As I have just told you (see, first paragraph) that the modem-router simulates itself like a server computer, sure its IPaddress must be static, e.g. (IPv4),, etc. , on the other hand it lets the other connected computer the dynamic/automatic IPaddress. Yes, the modem-router of the home network is the gateway to Internet.

Teacher's home network PC/Modem-router IPaddress Configuration
I use the "IPCONFIG" command to see what/how my home PC/modem-router IPaddress configuration by typing the command at the command line of Windows and what I knows are the followings 

...  is the IPaddress (IPv4) of my modem-router, Belkin brand.
...  is the IPaddress (IPv4) of my PC, configured by the modem-rounter 

Yes, each other computer in the network can never be configured with a static IPaddress because the modem-router as the server PC/the gateway PC cannot share Internet connection anyway.

How to Create Your Blog with www.blogger.com

1. After you had signed in Google Mail Service and then you had your own Gmail, well, you are now the one who can ask for your blog creation with www.blogger.com using your Gmail.

2. After entering your Gmail with its password, the "Welcome Screen" of Blogger appears and confirms that you have just passed its regulation. Now you can either add your profile details or skip to the next step.

You can give more details of your profile or you can skip to the next step by clicking the orange button.

3. See "New Blog" and click, wow, to create your blog any way!!!

4. Yeah!, you have to fill some fields related to your new blog e.g.   title, address and  template. But you can pass this task easily. Or you can skip it. (Because you can change these options any time).
===> เมื่อกรอกถูกแล้วก็ยืนยันว่า สร้างบล็อก
5. You can select "Settings Option" to change the style/template of your blog anyway and anytime.

6. Well, you can start your post now.  See the sample below.

7.  When you select the option "View Blog", your blog with your post will appears like the following.


There are any students complain that they have no Internet connection at home, so they can never create their blog. The teacher realizes the problems. But the cops (the fans of Liverpool Football Club) say, "You'll never walk alone", be sure you still have friends who can help you. Look for a star that guides you to the way out.


Please don't say never again, do you?

วันอังคารที่ 4 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

What is Computer Network? Why?

What is Computer Network? Why?

If any computer is not connected to others it is called "a stand-alone machine".  Today if anyone uses any stand-alone machine , he must be considered a stranger because the world today is of computer networks. A network machine can send/receive packets (bits of data per second) to/from any other machines e.g. Internet.  Our computers/tablet PCs/smart phones can never be alone anymore. Yes, they have been connected to their networks both local (e.g. the networks in our school) and global (e.g. Internet). We can share our resources such as  files, printers etc. to each other through our local area network (LAN) or we can exchange our data through the wide area network (WAN) like Internet.

Figure 1   What is Computer Network

Figure 2  Computer Network classified by Area Width

Figure 3  Types of Network Topology

Figure 4   Star/Extended Star Topology

Figure 5   The Client-Server Network What/How


My name is wanwisa chimpalee. my nickname is guy.i am 14 years old.

my favourite football club is liverpool.

my hoddies are watching tv.

i like to watch cartoon  One piece.

My favourite food is chicken.

I come froom tambon dngpotong ampher muang changwat suphanburi . i study in class m. 2/4 kanchanaphisekwithayalai suphanburi school.